
This is not just an outfit

This is an OakRunes

100% Organic | Home Prints | Handmade Designs | Brushed Cotton Heavyweight | Eco-friendly

Created out of a passion for history...

worn to rebel against the modern world

Since 2018, we specialize in t-shirts
 We wanted to make high-end t-shirts promoting folklore and ancient history. But more than just t-shirts, we wanted to make RunesdeChêne a rallying point for all those with a passion for history, nature and the spirit of adventure... and all those who are determined to re-enchant their times. 

Convinced that we need to rebel intelligently against these afflictions that standardize everything and disconnect people from their roots, Runes de Chêne embodies a vision of the world halfway between the new and the old.

It's for anyone who draws inspiration for the future from the past. 

In forgotten values of adventure, camaraderie, authenticity and beauty, strength and rebellion against the coldness of the modern world.

The aim is simple: to create the largest community ever assembled on these themes. 

To restore meaning.
 To rekindle the flame.

Will you answer this call? 
- Uriel, creator of Runes de Chêne.

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We'll be sending you news from time to time, with panache and adventure. Some educational content, reflections, and our private sales.
Runes de Chêne is a trademark owned and operated by LAHOUSSAYE EI. 
registered with the RCS of NICE, siret number 844 256 537 00011
06390 CONTES